
President Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Founder of DMS Group. Has more than 17 years experience in financial structuring, accounting & auditing covering property, consumer goods, hospitality, mining and other industry sectors.
Successfully accomplished a number of workable transaction structure during his work tenure in the financial advisory.
Obtained his Bachelor Degree from STIE Perbanas, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Komisaris Utama PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Current job position: Consultant / PT Mitratama Perkasa
Previous employment positions:
Director PT Transcoal Pacific Tbk.
Chief Trading Officer Bakrie Petroleum International Pte Ltd
Chief Operating Officer PT Mahakam Nusa Energi
Trading & Business Development Manager SK Global
Marketing Manager Hyosung Corporation (Hyundai Group)
Obtained his Bachelor in Banking from City College of San Francisco, USA

Komisaris PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Previous employment positions:
Division Head/General Manager Satuan Pengendali Internal
Division Head/General Manager Keuangan dan Akuntansi
Kepala Bidang Pengendalian Resiko dan Tindak Lanjut Temuan
Kepala Perencanaan dan Pengendalian untuk rencana kerja kementrian/lembaga (RKA-KL)
Manajer Perencanaan Keuangan Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam dan Nias (NAD-Nias)
Koordinator Proyek Akuntansi PT Rekayasa Industri
Senior auditor KANAKA PURADIREDJA & REKAN, Registered Public Accountants & Tax Consultants, Member of DFK International (2003-2004).
Obtained his degree as Akuntan - Diploma IV from Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara, Jakarta

Komisaris Independen PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Current job position: VP Investment Banking di McMillan Woods Indonesia & Canis Capital
Previous employment positions:
Finance Analyst McMillan Woods Indonesia & Canis Capital
Manager assistant KAP Rama Wendra
Senior auditor KAP Anwar & Rekan
Junior Auditor KAP Eddy Prakarsa Permana & Siddharta
Obtained his bachelor degree as Sarjana Ekonomi Akuntansi from Universitas Pancasila.

Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PT Accola Hotel Indonesia
Joined DMS Group since 2011. Starting his career as an auditor in Touche Ross International in 1989. During his work tenure successfully developed career path as chief accounting and finance at PT Mantrust Asahi Airways and other prominent companies. Has extensive experiences in handling projects in numerous industry sectors such as property, hospitality, mining, and retail.
Obtained his Bachelor Degree majoring accounting from STIE Jakarta, Indonesia.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Joined PT DMS Propertindo Tbk. from PT Jakarta Setiabudi International Tbk. A property investment and development company, leaving as Head of Corporate Finance and Investor Relations. Contribute constructively to the group up to 25 years of finance experience in various industries which includes property development & investment, infrastructure, financial structuring, advisory and banking..
Obtained his MBA in finance from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA and his Bachelor Degree in electrical engineering from ITB, Bandung, Indonesia.

Chief Operating & Project Officer (COPO) PT DMS Propertindo Tbk.
Over 25 years of experience in property industry. Past experience involvement managing wide ranges of construction projects especially mega mix-used based projects such as Bogor Nirwana Residence (100 ha), Graha Bogor Indah (60 ha), Bogor River Valley (30 ha), and Ijen Nirwana Residence (28 ha).
Obtained his Master Degree in urban planning from Universitas Tarumanegara and Master Degree notary from Universitas Diponegoro.

Independent Director PT Accola Hotel Indonesia
Previous employment positions:
Manager, tax related duties at following companies PT Philip Morris Indonesia, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk, PT Asia Tembakau Indonesia, PT Sampoerna Air Nusantara, PT Taman Dayu dan PT Taman Dayu Golf, PT Halliburton Indonesia, PT Halliburton Drilling Service Indonesia, PT Halliburton Logging Service Indonesia, PT Baroid Inodonesia and PT Landmark Concurrent Solusi Indonesia
Tax Manager, KAP Kanaka Puradiredja & Partner (2000-2003)
Tax Supervisor, KAP Siddharta, Siddharta & Harsono
Senior Tax Manager, KAP Siddharta, Siddharta & Harsono
Senior Tax Manager KAP Gunawan, Prijohandojo, Utomo & Co
Obtained his bachelor degree as Sarjana Ekonomi Manajemen from Universitas Katholik Parahyangan.